Ladies Section

We have a great lady’s section here at Castle Hawk. The ladies are of all abilities from those who have played for years to those who have only just started to take up golf. There is a ladies own WhatsApp group where they pop in and ask if anyone is free for a mid-week round. You will always get a response from the ladies in regards getting out to play.

They have their own fixture list which will be on the ladies notice board situated just at the entrance to the shop. There will also be a notice board in the ladies where you can add your name in advanced to the competitions. This enables the ladies to book out their tee times as soon as the sheet gets released in case we need the extra couple of tee times out of our allotted time.

We have regular meetings, open days and away days, driving range get togethers, functions, end of year parties and presentations etc. What’s not to like!!

72 Hole Challenge

Our ladies are made of some tough stuff and take on the 72 hole challenge in a day each year for the clubs chosen charity!!

All about the fun

Although we do take golf seriously when it comes to a competition day we also like to have fun. This was on our lady captains night raising money for her chosen charity with an 80s fancy dress party and band!

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